So now I am one more person yelling in the dark. I like to yell about gaming. It is a relaxing way to spend to many hours sitting around a table with my friends. Just to give a little history, I started gaming when I was 12 years old. That means I just passed my thirty year anniversary of gaming. There are usually 2 paths that a gamer of my age takes through there early gaming, either they went with miniature games, think toy solders, or they role played, which was Dungeons and Dragons in the day. D&D is the route that I chose with the red box edition of the game.
Role play gaming is just what it sounds like, you take the role of a person who is involved in the story you are telling with your friends. There is no dressing up. There is no swinging actual weapons. Gaming is half a dozen people sitting around a table with a lap full of books and paper and dice (dice are the best we will talk about that another day) describing what your alter ego is doing. The books are for the rules, the paper is stats about your character, and the dice are used to determine if what you wanted to do happened. Those stories we tell are still just as clear to me now as when I was that kid sitting around the table.
I role played when I was a kid and through high school and college. Then life catches us and we lose that time we used to role play. One thing about role playing is that is it not a quick activity. A good session can go for 8 or 9 hours and finding 4-6 people with that kind of time is a challenge. So after college the gaming got a lot more sporadic. Computer gaming took care of some of that itch, and the rest was taken care of with books and movies.
While I always enjoy those substitute activities, I was always reading more rule books for more games. I found a few people over the years to try new games with. Everything from Medieval Role Play like D&D and Middle Earth Role Play, to Space like Star Wars and Star Fleet Battles, and even Super Hero like Marvel and DC role play. There is really a game/world for any kind of role playing that any person might like.
So I am trying to explain in this first blog how I got from a 12 year kid sitting around a kitchen table (not all gaming happens in a basement) to a 42 year old sitting in front of a computer. Even though I have always gamed, it was not a regular occurrence, not something I did every week or even every month. I would find a game group, or a couple friends and it would last for a few months and then move on to other games. It wasn't until my wife bought my a ticket to a large gaming convention that I really began regular gaming again.
I, like many other bloggers, have great plans for how often I am going to blog. I am going to attempt to write this weekly on Sunday nights. Especially right now I might try to post more often, while the energy level is high, but best plans and all, so there you go.
Thanx for taking some time and talk to you again soon.
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