Friday, January 17, 2014

It has been a lot of history....let's take a little break

   Just in case you want to see from the beginning Part 1

   Ok, so after thinking about it for the last couple days, I am going to take a break from history for a minute and chat about what I am playing now and clear up a thought or two from the last time.  There are two reasons I started writing this blog.  The first is really just the reason that I am starting now.  At my company we are trying to drive traffic to our website, and increase our search engine optimization.  Because of this, anything we can do that links to the website ( just as another link) is a good thing and doing it through Google+ drives as up in the ranking in a Google search.
   The second reason I wrote this is to talk about what games I am playing and want to play.  Up to now I have only talked about what I used to play.  While that is interesting, I want to chat about my games right now and then I will get back into how I joined the OWW group and that is the one thing I want to clear up real quick.  The OWW was around before I joined.  As far as the history of the OWW before I started hanging out there, I will have a guest blogger on to give that part of the history, but I joined because of a guy named Matt who also played Heroclix.  He was the one who introduced me to the other OWW gamers.  I will go into some of my OWW history in my next post.

   So here in my fourth blog post I finally get to write about what I was hoping to write about for the last week.  (After writing almost another post about getting to write a

   What are you playing?   It is something I walk in and ask, or get asked, almost every week.  Right now I am playing Kill Zone, Malifaux and played Discworld last night (which is a board game).  When I first started gaming, I only played Heroclix and it was the only game I collected.  To talk about my number one game right now, it is Malifaux (  Malifaux is a character driven skirmish game.  What this means is, much like Heroclix, you bring a team together to get something done.  Unlike Heroclix you can be destroyed to a man, and still win the game as long as you get done what needs to be done.  The other difference in Malifaux is that the models are not pre-painted or assembled, so when you start your crew you begin with a number of metal or plastic pieces that you have to clean, assemble, prime, paint, and then base.  While you can play with a number of those steps undone, the game is more fun with better looking models.  So now instead of just a game I play with plastic pieces that are the same as everyone else who plays, I have a customer crew painted just the way I want.  It adds a hobby aspect to the game, so now not only am I playing the game, I am showing off my painting and modeling.  This is a very light description of a game I have been playing for a few years now.

   I will go into more detail about Malifaux and more history of my gaming and the OWW group in the next post.  I am enjoying writing this a lot more then I thought I would.  I feel like I could just keep writing, but I am trying to keep these posts to a "reasonable" length. 

   Chat at ya next time...

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