One of the things I am looking to do now, is to mix up a bit of history along with a bit of gaming discussion. So the history will slow down a little, but the gaming chat will increase. So I am hoping for the best of both worlds. I am also going to chat a bit about books and music, as those are also two things I really enjoy.
So when we last left the story I was talking about the Olde World Warriors. This is the gaming group that I joined after hanging out at The Game Room for a few years. I know that sounds like a long time to hang out in a place without getting to know everyone. You find that you hang out with the people you game with on the night(s) you game, and while there is some Hi/Hello/How ya doin interaction, you kinda hang out with your group. Now once you find someone in YOUR group, that is also hanging out with OTHER groups, you get to meet a lot of new friends. It was Matt who reintroduced me to gaming outside of Heroclix. Matt was a clix player, actually he will play anything, and talked to me quite a bit about other games outside of Heroclix. If I remember correctly, and it has been a number of years, it was a game of Blood Bowl that started me down the road to gaming.
So what is Blood Bowl you ask? Blood Bowl is a board game loosely based on football. You field a team of 11 players on the board which is called the Pitch. There are 8 turns to a half, and 2 halves to a game. A normal game of Blood Bowl takes about 3 hours to play. The game company who designed Blood Bowl back in the 80's, Game Workshop, no longer supports the game, but fans of the game have put together the living rulebook for Blood Bowl. They call it the living rule book because they are on the 6th version of the rulebook since they started. They add new teams for each major iteration and work on improving the rules. For a link to the rules click here Blood Bowl Living Rulebook. I don't remember the team I played for my first game, odds are it was either the human or the orc team as they come as the standard teams in the box, but the team I learned to enjoy the most is called "The Nurgle Rotters".
There are two reasons I enjoy playing that team over any of the other 16 teams you can pick. The first is that as a Chaos team they have strong armor and hit hard. It makes them very durable. The second reason is a special rule called Nurgle Rot. If you have Nurgle Rot then when you kill an opposing player, you get a new lineman player called a rotter for free and add it to your team. A kill roll is rare, as you need to roll to break armor (usually a 8+), injure the player (a 10+ die roll), and then roll a 6 sided, and an 8 sided die (needing a 6 on the 6 sided die and anything on the 8). As most player will tell you, getting three good rolls in a row sounds easy, but is usually a real challenge.
In the OWW we regularly play a Blood Bowl league each year that mostly follows the regular football season. We have finished the full league in some years, and we have fallen off in other years and not finished. This is the way a long running league setup runs sometimes. This year we did a special season for our departed friend Marc Moralez. Next time I chat with you, I will talk more about the group and Marc. He passed away not very long ago, and it can still be a bit tough to talk about, but we all miss him daily.
Until next time....
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