Monday, July 28, 2014

Back to the old grindstone......of gaming

So I like so many bloggers, started by getting excited and posting a blog post about every three days.  Then I slowed down to once a week........then once a weekish.........then stopped.  There were a bunch of reasons, but at the end of the day, I felt a bit down because it seems like a lot of places I tried to post, just were not quite right.  I was posting more about gaming in general, instead of Malifaux specifically, and so some of the boards I posted to commented that I was in the wrong place to post.

Then we stopped working.  Abintra Software closed its doors, as we had sold no product, and so I was at loose ends.  I started this blog because of some advertising needs at work, and now that reason was gone.  So I just quit for a bit.  Then I went to a party a couple of our friends host in Cleveland, and someone actually asked why I wasn't posting any more (Thanx Karri).  It got me thinking again that maybe I should still be posting.  So here I am.

So right now I am currently unemployed.  As the company closed their doors, I have been at loose ends.  So I have been watching the girls over the summer rather then having them at day care and it has been a really fun summer.  We have had some friends over during the summer this year and we have gone to the zoo, the art museum, and to the swimming pool.  Spending time with them like this, and taking them to the art museum for the first time has definitely been fun to see.  We also repainted our deck and been trying to take better care of the yard, just try to get some of the projects that collect up over time done.

Not that these are excuses not to blog, just reasons I have been off the computer for a bit.  But now I am feeling the urge again, and so now you see this post.

Besides that I have still been at The Game Room most Thursdays playing games.  Just like before I am playing Malifaux as my main miniatures games, and then a mix of board games, whatever everyone else is playing.  Because of that the last few weeks we have been playing Terra Mystica.  Rules and ordering from z-man games here  This is a resource management games where you collect workers, power, gold, and priests and then use them to terraform, build houses and other buildings, and work your way up the cult tracks.  As in most resource management games, you do not have enough of any of your resources to complete every task you need to do.  Because of this you need to decide how you want to play to get the most points.  You can score points though the game by doing various things, and at end game you score for biggest town, where you are on each of four cult tracks, and   There are a number of difference races that give you different starting values and different special powers.  Overall just a lot of fun and the replay ability of the game just means we keep playing it over and over.  Second in my first game, dead last in my second.  I will keep trying though as often as I have about 3 hours to kill.

The next game on the list, if I can ever get Dave Anderson to bring it when I am there, is Dungeon Lords.  This is a game where you play an evil dungeon owner who is trying to stop the heroes from taking out all the monsters in the dungeon.  I hope that it will be the next game I review.

Next time I will talk about the Malifaux story league that we are currently playing at The Game Room, and the new chaos warriors that Chris Borer kit bashed together for my Nurgle Blood Bowl team. 

As far as the job hunt goes, I have some things on the burners that I think will come together sometime this week.  I will let you all know once I know more.  Thanx for taking the time to listen and I hope to talk a little more often.

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