So this is the post that I have been sitting on for about 3 weeks now. It seems that I got stuck about a new master to write about, and then I got stuck on a board game to write about, and in the end, I wrote about nothing. So this is me posting what I have written up till now, and moving forward most likely much more slowly. Part 2 of the issue has been a computer issue. Even now I am holding the power cord in my hand as the charger cable has to be under tension and in a certain spot to continue charging. Not being able to write in my comfy chair in front of the computer also added a wrinkle to my writing.
Now for the reason that I have been writing nothing. I have not been motivated to write or game or hobby. I don't know if it is the seeming never to arrive spring, or the changes that I know are coming to my job over the next 6 weeks, but I am just not motivated to do anything once I get home, get the dishes done, help the kids with homework, get snack, etc. It is 8:45 and I do not feel like getting out of my chair. See how the not having a computer by my chair really makes the biggest difference. Beyond this is my post from before the break, so without any further ado, I will let you judge how I am doing, and start working on my next posting.
I have found that I am actually slowing down on the blog writing over the last few weeks. I went from posting about every three days, down to what I thought I would start with when I began this blog. About a once a week posting schedule. With spring coming around I, like so many others, have found my attention distracted by many other things. It also doesn't help that I only get to game once a week. This means that to get in a game or two with a new wave 2 master in malifaux, it is my whole game night. And because of distractions, like work and home and wife and kids and on and on I have not had a chance to play malifaux for a couple of weeks.
Just this last Thursday as an example, because my older daughter left her backpack in my car, I had to drive home at the exact moment I had just gotten to the game store. So after another hour of driving I finally get to The Game Room, and to be honest, I just didn't want a heavy thinking game. I want something dumb and easy....Munchkin or Flux or Discworld. A game that doesn't require any meaningful thought, just play your cards and screw your neighbor..... you know just fun. So Discworld it was.

As usual I had an excellent time playing, thank you Chris and Lisa, it was just what I needed. It always helps when you win, and this was the first time we played where we got to the end of the deck and no one had Commander Vimes, so we had to look at points. For some reason I had my money really going and although I was not the Cresophage I had so much money and minions that I won by a landslide. I own the game, so of course I should
So how how do you play Discworld you ask. If you want to know that you can take a look at the PDF of the rules
here. I just want to talk about the two innovative mechanics (to steal a line from the d6 Generation) that the game has. First is that you have a number of personality cards that you select, and each personality has a individual win condition. Now some of the personality card do share the same win condition, in that case to have minions in a number of territories, or control over a certain number of territories, but it is nice that in a game this size, your win condition will change based on who you randomly receive. The second, and the part I find the most interesting, is there are two decks of cards that you go through as the game progresses. The first half of the total draw pile is of a brown color and are less powerful then the gold cards that you get once you cross that half way point. I like that you stack the two on top of each other, so you are never quite sure of when you will get the bump in power and strangeness. If you have read any of the Discworld books, you will know about the deans of the school of magic. In the game they cause "events" to happen, which can be anything from Demons or Troll minions to fires or floods. They cause big events in the game that can alter your whole position versus your win condition. If you have not read the Discworld books, then you are really missing out. They are great funny silly books and there are about 40 of them I believe. So it is a nice involved series you can read for quite a while.

After that it was a lot of chatter about a wide range of things. It is the other half of the reason I hang out at my FLGS is for that hanging out time. Just talking about movies, or music, gaming, or politics. Really just about any topic, nothing much off limits. Some people hang out in bars, or attend book clubs, I like to hang out in a comic book store with a bunch of people who just make me happy to hang out with. I think that is at least as important as the games we play. I just saw a meme someone online that said you can play a bad game with good people but it is much harder to play a good game with bad people.
So when I originally started this blog post, it was to talk about the fact that I am getting down to posting about once a week. This is in part because I have not been playing the new masters I need to play so that I can write my feelings about that particular master. I am in the midst of working on a Zoraida post, as I have both played her and played against her, but I felt an in general post would be useful too. As one of my friends points out on occasion when we are discussing our blogs, I have a conversational style of blog and sometimes when I just need to get something out of my head or off my chest, it can be easier to just write a post like this and clear out some baggage that needs to be let out. A lot of times I write one of these in general blog posts, and it lets me move a more game related blog out. It is like this chatty blog post is just sitting in the way and until I get this one out, I don't get anything else out either. The other funny thing is that I have been working on my Zoraida post for two or three days, and I have about 2 paragraphs, and yet on this post, I have written the whole thing in about 2 hours.
I think this is about everything I have to say about the how and why I enjoy hitting the game store on my Thursday nights, with a mini review of Discworld. Sorry it has been so long, and I hope to post a bit more regularly after this again.
Thanx for reading!!